Yes! The brain can be trained to avoid dyslexia, study suggests : Science Daily

The ability of the brain to synchronize with the tone and intonation of speech influences how language is processed. This concludes a study by the Basque research center BCBL, whose results could help design more effective activities to train the brain in order to avoid future disorders such as dyslexia.

Over the years, several neuro-scientific studies have shown that the auditory regions of the brain synchronize with external auditory stimuli. That is to say, the brain is able to naturally adjust the frequency of its brain waves with the oscillations or the rhythm of what it listens at each moment.

However, little was known so far of the consequences of the effect of brain synchronization, also known as brain-entrainment, in brain regions directly related to language processing.


Source: Yes! The brain can be trained to avoid dyslexia, study suggests : Science Daily

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