Migrants ‘waiting for Labour government before crossing Channel’

Sir Keir Starmer has vowed to scrap Rwanda deportation flights on ‘day one’ if his party wins power


Rwanda could put off some of the illegal immigrants from using the boats but with others, it won’t as using the boats will be better than being sent back to their countries of origin where in many instances some of the problems have been caused by continual interference by the West, by the West invading their countries and causing chaos.

The most effective was of canceling the boats is

  1. to have more legal immigration routes
  2. have a better processing system incorporating processing before coming to the UK either in France or other European counties
  3. a better organised Home Office
  4. accepting immigration is needed and would do more to solve the UK employment crisis much quicker than training which could be done in conjunction with all other points

The UK needs more immigration of the right kind not less, just as we did in the 50s, but the documentation needs to be better than then to avoid a similar scandal to the Windrush scandal. If it hadn’t been for successive governments since the 50s then the Windrush scandal wouldn’t have occurred for the Windrush were British citizens and should always have been considered so. Yes, they came from another country but the countries were British colonies and their coming to the UK was just the same as we in the UK moving from one county of the UK to another county of the UK, we didn’t need documentation and neither should have the Windrush generation.

They were invited to come and then found so much aggression and racism when they should have been welcomed by everyone.

The Labour policy will take too long and it is now that the boats have to be stopped, but the Farage Reform UK policy is even worse than Labours policy, but the Tory Rwanda wasn’t that good, but more legal routes is.

Stop the misguided propaganda around immigration for the UK is a country of immigrants whether we like it or not and over the years immigration has improved the UK greatly



Source: Migrants ‘waiting for Labour government before crossing Channel’

‘This is what no politician will tell you about immigration’ – Fleet Street Fox – Mirror Online

There’s plenty of votes in telling you they’ll cut the number of migrants, says Fleet Street Fox. Trouble is, we need more if we’re to survive


This article could not have been and will never be written by a politican for it is saying it as was, as it is and as it will be.

This is ‘The truth no voter is being told is that our economic problems can be solved in one of just two ways: either MORE immigrants, or FEWER old people.’ We should never wish for fewer old people for this is laying out what will come to pass if we do get rid of older people now, and what will occur when we all become older people. for we can only ever get older.

We could encourage people to have more children, but the 2 children rule on benefits is saying no one should have more than 2 children and could be implying that every women should have 2 children, but no more. More children or immigrants of a working age are needed, not only to ensure the retirement age pension can be paid for, but to increase the numbers of people who are able to work to progress the economy.

We can’t go on as we are for today as to do so will create an economic disaster larger, much larger than we currently have.

There are many areas of occupations were there are large shortages of people working in them, not just care, health, agriculture and hospitality, but many more including education and others.

Capital expenditure in other words investment building is also so dire, not just in housing, but with schools, hospitals, prisons and others, with many of the current buildings far from fit for purpose for many are crumbling and some not just with age. This is due to relaxed building regulations over the years and trying to save on capital expenditure, such as allowing buildings to be built with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete, (RAAC). But even as these need to be repaired or demolition and rebuilt, we also need many more buildings of all natures as our population has to increase.

Immigration is the easiest way to increase a population as birth takes too long for the children to be economically productive and while they become adults their parents will be resticted on the hours they can reasonably work, if they can work at all.

In all this we are assuming that everyone will eventually be able to work in one degree or another, but with the advancements of medical science some who are born could well have some forms of disabilities or a range of medical condition which could restrict their ability to work. This as well as the UK increasing aging population means others will in time need access to social care and more needs from the NHS.

The UK does pay some forms of benefits to partially help with finance to families, but the benefits are way too low, not that easy to obtain and if you attain a disability or a restricting medical condition after retiring there are any benefits , except Attendence Allowance, which as some form of care inclusion but no mobility inclusion. It is as though the State is saying if you attain a disability or a restricting medical condition, get it before you attain pension age for then you could be eligible to claim the respective welfare benefits and if successful these should continue into retirement, but after retirement you will be resricted to Attendence Allowance should you not be already on benefits.

Riddiculous, yes it is, but it is how it is, When I attained my disability and restricting medical condition in retirement I couldn’t believe there were no effective benefits with a mobility inclusion so rand the DWP and spoke to a lady who may have thought she was being helpeful when she said to my question about what benefits were available ‘it is expected that people in retirement will become more suseptible to restricting medical conditions and then may have some forms of disabilities and it would be too expensive to have these benefits available.’

So if not in receipt of benefits before retirement, on having medical and mobility restrctions after retirement you have to ‘grin and bear it’, so not an effective welfare state for everyone.

Yes, looking after people is so expensive, but surely that is what should be done and the State find the means to be able to afford it, or we could be like America where if you can’t afford help in many forms, especially in health you go without or become bankrupt and die in either situation. The Land of the Free but only if you have the money to be so.

Unfortunately with the political advancements to the far right, the UK is becoming more like America. For you have the Conservative far right and then the ReformUK which is so far right it could become the next British Nationist Party, (BNP) or another BNP.

People say all this is down to Brexit, but it is not, but Brexit was an excuse for all the UK racists to resurface as many had gone underground due to the UK legistalation brought in, but resurfaced as they believed it was their turn again.

We had enough of the BNP or its equivalent in the 50s when the UK invited people from the UK colonies to come to the UK to live here in the UK to help the UK economy. They came without any papers as coming from a UK colony was similar to moving from one UK county to another, but the distance was greater.

Many who came decided to come as they were educationed to believe that the UK was their ‘Mother Country’ but when they came they found that Mother was not always as good as they had been told, in fact in many ways Mother was very bad. But they came through all of this due to their alegiance to the UK and then with changing UK legistlation were caught up in the ‘Windrush scandal‘ and a scandal it was and for some still is.

Some who came then officially applied for British Citizenship when it was free to do so, not the thousands of £s it is today and when granted, guarded the resultant Certificate as though their lives depended on it and as time came to pass it was with the Windrush scandal. Those who didn’t apply for British Citizenship or had lost their certificate where then caught in the Windrush scandal and threatened with deportation, many of whom had been in the UK for around at least 50 years. With the threat of deportation they were not allowed to work or claim benefits so those who were working and had benefits lost them and may be also lost their accommodation.

Some were deported to, perhaps, offically their country of origin, but effectively a country they knew nothing about and knew no one there. The UK government should be ashamed of this but are they for many when the scandal did surface are still waiting for their required compensation and those who died before no compensation. The grief caused by an uncaring UK government is unbelieveable, but it as to be believed as it as and is occurring and that is so wrong, just as the racism of the 50s and to a large extent the racism now.

We tend to believe that this UK government is not racist, but is that correct for some in the government appear to be and more could be coming to government in the 4 July General election.

In America it is their Independence Day where they celebrate the loss of British rule, but for many in the UK it will not be their Independence Day, far from it.


Source: ‘This is what no politician will tell you about immigration’ – Fleet Street Fox – Mirror Online

General election TV debate: Farage warns ‘population crisis’ is making Britain poorer

Nigel Farage warned Britain is living through a “population crisis” that is “making us poorer” during Friday evening’s election debate.


Farage is wrong and this is just his propaganda for the UK has been made by immigration, but perhaps under different headings.

In times long gone by, the First century AD around the Roman invasion the Britain of that day was populated by many various tribes. Then there was the Anglo-Saxon invasion thus introducing more different cultures into Britain.

After that there was the Norman invasion of 1066 thus even more cultures into Britain. There have been more some before the above and some atfer to around 1560.

These were univited but there were changes to cultures which when occurred remolded the culture of Britain, But since then there have been much planned and some not planned immigration and all have impacted on the British culture.

Every aspect of immigration was eventually welcomed, if not at the time and has made Britain and now the UK what it is today, for better more than likely, but not always for some.

In the main we are a tolerant nation, but there are individuals and some groups who are not and this is where Farage is for these are there for themselves and not for the UK no matter what they say.

We do join organisations and other groups in nations for ourselves and for those already there and in doing so much negotiations are required to create a balance which is to some extent agreeable to all at the time. But times change so the agreed balance may not always remain so and then renegotiations are required or a full or partial withdrawal. Brexit was a such change and people voted to either stay within the EU or not for differing reasons. I voted to leave the EU as I didn’t want to be controlled politically by the EU for being controlled by the UK parliament is bad enough. Immigration for me was never a factor as I believe good immigration is better for everyone, so I want more legal routes and the removal of all illegal routes and that would minimise the small boats, if not completely. Zero migration is not ever possible or shouldn’t be for it creates the worse possible for all.

The English language is a mixture of languages from differing countries, as is much of our culture, especially our food culture for much of what we assume is British food isn’t and came to the UK from other shores. Fish and chips was once a main stay food in the UK and believed to have always been British but isn’t came to our shores through immigration. Fish and chips was a mainstay for many years and still is for many, but other foods have come through, Italian pasta, various French cusines, plenty from America, and many others, some of which being Chinese, Indian and many others.

As to sports, some which are believed to be British may not be, but the currently rules of the game may have been created in Britain.

Some being,

‘The Chinese “football” games date as far back as 3000 years ago. The Ancient Greeks and the Roman used football games to prepare warriors for battle. In south and Central America a game called “Tlatchi” once flourished.’

‘Golf in its early days in Scotland may well have had two distinct forms. One was a ‘short’ game similar to ‘kolf’ played in the Netherlands. From this developed ‘links golf’, played with a variety of clubs to holes, marked by flags, the fore runner of the game today.’

‘Hockey-like games involving sticks and balls have been played for thousands of years. Historical records show that a crude form of hockey was played in Egypt 4,000 years ago, and in Ethiopia around 1,000 BC.’

Badminton ‘The game was called “POONA” in India during the 18th Century, and British Army Officers stationed there brought the game back to England in the 1860’s.’

We should not fear immigration, but respect it and so respect those who come to the UK to help us, which the majority do, but a few don’t, but don’t blame the majority for the minority.

I am so lucky to be British and even more so from being born in Yorkshire, not saying people in other counties shouldn’t be respected, as they should for it takes all sorts and differences should be welcome.

After all we are all human beings and no one being is the same as anyother, not even identical twins, for there will always be slight differences. Lets be welcoming for it is the best to be and tell Farage and his like where to go, but politely for politeness should always be our aim. We won’t be all the time, but when not should apologise very soon after for then we will all be the better for it, as agression helps no one.

Source: General election TV debate: Farage warns ‘population crisis’ is making Britain poorer

Labour takes down general election campaign video after awkward mistake

Let’s be truthful, well it would be a change for any political party, let alone any government, for campaigns and manifestos are just promises and promises are made to be broken in all forms of politics.

No matter which party wins the forthcoming General election it is not going to be easy for anyone, the respective parties and the electorate.

There is so much wrong in the UK, perhaps more since 14 years of Tory rule, but when they took over from Labour in 2010 not much was right then.

Each party in power looks after their own, but recognising who their own is is far from easy to know and understand. The Tories were believed to be for the rich and Labour for the poor, but today there are many believed to be rich but aren’t and some  who you would believe to be poor but also aren’t.

Really a government should be there for everyone and we should all work together for the betterment of everyone in the UK. Some more than others will need help and help is what they should get for to be equal which is what should be striven for some will need more to gain equality.

But most of us, and this is in all parties, we put ourselves first when we should be working together, for we are stronger together.

There is enough finance in the UK but it is not being used where it is most needed. Many of the welfare benefits are insufficient as are many of the salaries so this creates inequalities and it is those who are the most poor who suffer the most.

Taxation is too high and it penalises those on the least incomes more than any others. With salary increases having been restricted for many years and when allowed were well below the cost of living just pushed more into poverty. Then with the tax allowance levels also frozen any salary increases meant many moved into paying tax or higher rates of tax. National Insurance rates have been reduced but the reductions meant more taxable income was created so more were paying higher levels of income tax.

Will Labour promise to realign the levels more than likely not and to ensure local government (LA) services improve then grants to LAs will have to be increased so offsetting austerity measures the Tories brought in from 2010. To pay for this taxation may need to be increased.

Social care has to be a priority and has been for many years under both many Labour and Tory governments, but none have done anything to improve social care. For many in need of care social care doesn’t exist and if it does is so not sufficient and in this problems are created not just in Social Care and those in need of social care but also in the NHS as it increases demand due to declining health inequalities.

Neither the NHS and social care can exist without each other, so both have to be there sufficiently.

We may feel it is not good in the UK, but to get better it will firstly become worse. Here immigration would help as it would increase the available workforce and a workforce willing to do the work. The numbers might not be as great as the government appears to indicate but those not willing to work is small, but the numbers unable to are greater but that is not their fault but the insufficiencies of social care and NHS services.

Immigration will be the quickest way to solve the workforce insufficiencies and then allow those unable to work due to health problems to have time to recover and then be able to work. Penalising then on restricting benefits is counter productive.

It will also increase tax income by more working and in doing so provide more to increase grants to LAs so more essential services are provided.

So stop restrictions to gain more, but not what UK governments do be they Labour or Tory.


UK universities report drop in international students amid visa doubts

Problems and more problems and by endeavouring to try to solve one problem exacerbates others.

Immigration is deemed to be a major problem and one that both government and a sizable section of the public believes is a major problem but is it. The UK is a county mainly created by immigration throughout its history.

Some immigration by invasion of apparent hostile nature, some economic, some required due to necessity and others.

We have been invaded by Normans, Vikings, Romans, Celts, Angles, Saxons, French, Dutch and others, https://listverse.com/2019/03/25/10-times-britain-was-successfully-invaded.

Then those that were invited, West Indians in the 50s with others from Asia, the economic with overseas students, health and care workers, hospitality workers and others and many more.

The culture of the UK has changed many times and made the UK more diverse and in many ways tolerant and more open, but still a very long way to go.

With universities they rely on non-UK students for much of their income and an array of talent to complement that already in the UK.

But to reduce the levels of immigration for political reasons student visas are being somewhat restricted, thereby causing universities to lose some needed income. Some universities may due to this have some survival problems and eventually the UK is suffering more from a lack of resources in many ways.

The right immigration is and always will be good for the UK as to a large degree the UK population is misinformed and perhaps deliberately by the government.

We know not to trust the government, but in many aspects end up doing so for there is no choice or we become more discontent with the government.

In many ways the government will totally deserve being not trusted, but that is never good for the UK.

We have had the wrong governments at the wrong times more often than not, and the UK has suffered accordingly and will continue to do so.

The right mix of immigration needs to occur and for this the attitudes of both the government and the UK population have to change.

Immigration is good and should be seen as such.


Afghan special forces sniper who fought with the British left languishing in UK hotel without asylum for 17 months | The Independent

Exclusive: The sniper – one of hundreds of former Afghan commandos who served with British but were denied help by the Ministry of Defence – was left little option but to travel to the UK on a small boat in a bid to find a safe haven


We hear so much about illegal immigration and a little about legal immigration, but so much of it is kept secret and in this secrecy why the UK immigration system is so wrong and impersonal.

When, Trump arranged with the Taliban the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan it meant all involved countries while not part of Trump’s discussion were effectively held by the results of his idiotic discussions. Trump or persons negotiating on his behalf had no idea what they were doing, except following the unhinged views of Trump and would have agreed to anything just to make Trump look good.

When Trump lost his presidency in the 2020 Presidential election, which he still states he won, Biden really had no choice but to go ahead with Trump’s so-called plan for the US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan and that also meant that all other countries involved had to also. There was chaos, but then all through Trump’s Presidency there was chaos, many countries added to the withdrawal chaos with chaos of their own and the UK government was so chaotic in what it did and didn’t do with the latter being most.

Every person and their family in Afghanistan who had helped the UK forces should have been allowed to come to the UK, but the chaotic events were astounding due to incompetencies in many government departments, let alone major officials who had been allowed to have holidays at the same time, even though the date of withdrawal was or should have been well-known, but that is UK government for you.

Many were allowed to come, but many weren’t and that is a disloyalty that the government and the respected Ministers and department officials will be forever guilty of and all should be made accountable, but won’t be. Accountability won’t make it better for those left behind and so justice will never be  served, but at least some form of accountability could be seen when it never was.

It goes without saying that more legal routes for immigrants should be available and that alone would cut much of the illegal immigration.

There will always be many reasons for immigration and the UK is effectively based on immigration in its many forms over the years and the UK is better for it.

It’s not the fault of immigration that the UK can’t cope with immigration but is all down to ineffective government policies over many years and the blame should fall on this and the respective governments and not immigration. But we know that people in government never tell the truth and always try to hoodwink the UK population. For some time they will get away with it, but over time the truth may come out, but accountability is never placed where it should be and is always placed where it shouldn’t be. That, unfortunately, is government and government based on lies and untruths. Not just Tory but Labour too for no government can be fully trusted if trusted at all.

So, yes, Habibullah, whoever he is and all others should be allowed to stay in the UK for we have a duty to them and this duty has to be upheld, but unfortunately never is. This is not the first occasion this or something similar will have occurred as over many years similar injustices will have occurred, but as yet they haven’t come to light and maybe never will.

What the UK needs and many other countries need are governments that can be trusted, but that unfortunately is asking too much, when it shouldn’t be for no government anywhere can be trusted by some very much more than others. But, untrust will always be untrust, no matter what the degree is. Untrust should never be tolerated but is.

In effect, there are human rights, but they are hardly respected by government.


Source: Afghan special forces sniper who fought with the British left languishing in UK hotel without asylum for 17 months | The Independent

Labour considers Rwanda migrant plan alternative to process asylum claims overseas – Mirror Online

Labour Party chiefs are looking at ways of ensuring asylum applications are dealt with before people reach the UK after vowing to scrap the Rwanda deal if they are elected


This has credence and should have been brought in years ago, which it was for those fleeing Ukraine. However, what is not mentioned is how those who will be processed will be accommodated in the UK.  Those from Ukraine were housed within families who put themselves forward to accept Ukrainian families in the UK, but only for a stated period, but, then there was no plan for what would occur after. Maybe, it was felt that the usual process would deal with it, but the usual process is far from fit for purpose due to a lack of housing for the current UK population let alone others.

A supposed house-building plan was brought in, but again insufficient finance for the required land on which to build. Removal of some building restrictions was put forward, but many didn’t wish for green belt land to be used, and in many areas an insufficiency of other lands available.

Here again, there appears to be no mention of where the required additional housing will come from, so again a lack of joined-up thinking, which unfortunately UK governments excel at. Good initial ideas but no long-term solutions.

Then what will happen to those who fail to be accepted, will those still try to gain access by small boats. What is really needed is why so many people are unwilling or unable to live in the countries into which they were born. Too many conflicts around the world each creating conditions forcing many of the countries’ residents to have to flee their birth countries.

We have some leaders of countries who care more about themselves rather than their populations, currently, 2 main leaders, President Vladimir Putin who wishes to annihilate Ukrainians so more land is available for Russians and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who wishes to remove Palestinians initially from Gaza and then the West Bank so then some more areas to house Israelis. Both are using war to inflict these aims. But there is unrest in many other countries Congo, Myanmar, and many others. Then we have the Taliban in Afghanistan and to some extent the government of China in Hong Kong, and other Chinese areas.

While in the UK we currently don’t have military unrest, but, we do have governments who are too political, rather than doing the best for the UK. Not just now but for many years previous, be they of Tory or Labour. In this many professions are not as they should be with many on low pay levels, some much lower than others.

So, UK workers then migrate to other countries where pay levels are so much better, thus leaving vacancies in the UK, which immigrants could access if only we had suitable immigration policies, which again are far too political. We need the immigrants, but if they come this will cause resentment in certain areas due to the politicalising of immigration, which again is nothing new in the UK for we have again seen this for years, especially in the 50s. We needed the persons from the West Indies and other areas, but when they came here suffered years of resentment, some of which are still here today and should not be, Unfortunately, there will always be racists, but hopefully, these will be reduced with better education and immigration policies.

All over the world, we do need to work together for the benefit of everyone and not just a stated few. But money and power is the route causes and money should be better distributed and power taken from those who abuse it.

So, Starmer, you need an all-around policy and not just one on immigration. Respecting Human Rights would be a good start.


Source: Labour considers Rwanda migrant plan alternative to process asylum claims overseas – Mirror Online

Big surprise! – Right now attacking Charles as ‘woke’ King

I am no supporter of King Charles III, but on several subjects, he does talk sense, especially on climate change and some others, but at present no one is listening. He appeared to have been welcomed at COP28, and while some progress was made it is still way insufficient.

On some subjects, he speaks about how he does need to be careful, for while he supports immigration and refugees, he fails to see that most of the Royal Family wealth was gained through abuses to many areas outside of the UK.

Way into Tudor times explorers and seafarers went to many countries without any invites and then enslaved and plundered the resources of those countries in the name of the Crown and many of those treasures and resources are still in Royal hands, currently those of King Charles III. He may not own them in that he is free to return them because they are deemed to be Crown Property and he is just the current custodian and maybe government policy would need to be there to enact any such returns.

The Royalty are supposed to be supporters of animal welfare, but then they go on organised shoots within Royal lands in the UK, so is it only just some animals they support and not some others.

When speaking we all need to look into ourselves and assess do we proceed with our own lives on how we tend to speak, or do we speak and then just please ourselves with how we then behave.

Hypocrisy is all around us and in some respects will be nearer than we wish to believe.

So I applaud what he says, but doubt how he and others in the Royal Family conduct themselves at times.


Source: Big surprise! – Right now attacking Charles as ‘woke’ King

Channel migrant crossings: Who is responsible? – Politics.co.uk

The UK and France are at loggerheads over an escalating humanitarian crisis, after the deaths of 27 people trying to cross the Channel into England.


Who is to blame, well perhaps the UK and France, the UK for not having enough legal routes and the attitude to France and France with the attitude to the UK.

So, we left the EU, but haven’t left Europe, so the reasons for and not about Brexit should be cast aside and deal with the present and future and not concentrate on the past for all the leaders in the UK and the whole of the EU.

We all must continue to work together no matter how we feel about each other. Yes, while we were in the EU we did have some influence, but in many respects, we were one voice among the many. We can’t even agree within the UK parliament, so we had no chance within the EU and sometimes couldn’t even agree within every UK political party.

In many respects, we are all reacting as individuals when acting together is the best policy.

The UK needs immigration and always will do, so talking about numbers is totally irrelevant, as we should be looking at skill bases.

Encouraging immigrants for the skills we are requiring and not so for the skills we may not need, but these criteria change frequently so should we not build a base of all skills whether required or not.

Not only do we need responsible immigration criteria, but we also need to look at taking refugees, which should be different from immigration, but apparently not. It is illegal immigration that needs to be curbed and many of the illegal immigrants would be eligible to be legal immigrants if the routes were available.

The systems for dealing with both legal and illegal immigration need to be overalled as neither appears to be fit for purpose. Now is this deliberate, accidental, or both and perhaps other variations.

Also to be looked at is paying people the right rates of pay for the jobs undertaken, which in many areas of occupation in the UK are far from right, some get paid too much, but the majority way insufficient. Our taxation systems need to be also overalled so as not to penalise people for working, which the current system appears to do.

Then we have some of the service occupations, some public and others private and some, somewhere in between, irrespective of which sector the means to pay the right rates of pay has to be available. But we continue to penalise those working in some public occupations and also some in private where the funding comes from public authorities. So public authorities also have to be sufficiently funded, which again is not so.

Unfortunately in the UK, the rich appear to get richer, while the poor, disabled and vulnerable get considerably poorer.

The apparent disputes between the UK and France are just means to cover all other aspects not right in the UK.

Governments should govern for all not just a stated few. Human rights matter and should never be ignored.



Source: Channel migrant crossings: Who is responsible? – Politics.co.uk

Suella Braverman: No flights before election under PM’s Rwanda plan | BBC News

The other Headline was ‘Braverman swings for Sunak again’, well both should be ‘hung, drawn and quartered’, but then that could refer to many politicians, so we have to put up with what we voted for and hope for the best, well miracles could happen and the best could arrive but don’t count on it, ever.

Human Rights have been abolished forever, so Rwanda is not a solution and never will be.

The only way to stop the boats is to have sufficient legal asylum routes, which would mean the illegal routes wouldn’t be necessary. People say we don’t need immigration, well, if you believe that then you have ‘your head in the sand’ for immigration is what we need and have always needed. It makes the UK a much better place for us all. Otherwise, we would be a country of some Racists, who are never welcomed anywhere or should never be.

Brexit should never be or have been about immigration only about the inequalities of the EU. I know it is hard to believe but EU inequality is much worse than the UK government inequality no matter how hard it is to believe.

Source : Suella Braverman: No flights before election under PM’s Rwanda plan | BBC News