Theresa May, those in government must serve the public and ‘not themselves’

This is so true and should always have been so, but we know from all the years that the reverse is true.

No government has really served the public, but has readily been there for themselves. This is also true regarding MPs from whom the government is obtained from.

The MPs should conduct themselves as their constituents direct them and not as they wish to and not as their party directs them to, so Whips should be made redundant.

Prospective MPs look to their constituents when they are wishing to be elected and then conveniently forget them, true of the majority of MPs if not all of them.

They also listen to lobbyists as from them they can in some instances receive rewards or promises, which should be outlawed if not already.

All of Parliament, especially the government should be transparent, honest and accountable which none are, in one, let alone all three.

MPs shouldn’t be political but do what their constituents want them to do, even if it is what the MP does not believe in for if they do that is about them.

This scandal is just one of many and the attitudes of the government and businesses have to change.

Rishi Sunak apologises for infected blood scandal on ‘day of shame’

The apology was forthcoming but was  it really meant, well only time will tell, as this scandal has been allowed to continue for far too long.

It is not the first time wrongs have been allowed to happen, but rather than correct the wrongs, they have been covered up to safeguard the organisations doing the wrongs. But the organisations should not be the priority but are and have been allowed to be so. The NHS has always been respected and in this respect has been believed to do no wrong when it has done wrongs on many occasions and rather than admit the wrongs the NHS has been prioritising covering up the wrongs time and again.

This latest scandal could well mean the NHS is never respected and trusted again, so it needs to do all it can to ensure it can be trusted and seen to be trusted.

In this those responsible in this scandal need to be prosecuted and from now on the NHS needs to accept when it makes mistakes rather than ignore and in doing so it covers up the mistakes.

It will take time but the trust will come back and so will the respect. In this whistleblowers have to be encouraged and anything they comment on to be properly investigated and then learnings be made to ensure similar mistakes don’t occur again.

It will, in this improve relationships in staff and how then there are good interrelations with other staff and patients.

Stop believing that the assumed image of the NHS is the priority as the priority should be ensuring there is good quality care being given to all patients and that all staff can work efficiently and effectively together. Be a good working team not just with staff but patients also for without patients there would be no NHS.

This should be so for any organisation as an organisation is an entity but not the central focus for people should be the central focus and in the NHS that is firstly patients and then staff and never the NHS first.

The NHS is not the only organisation that has got this wrong for there have been other organisations over the years as can be shown with the Post Office and the Horizon Fujitsu programme which were deemed more important than Sub Postmasters and that is another scandal where there is an inquiry ongoing.

Scandals should never occur but when they do never ignore them and in doing so concentrate on coverups rather than dealing with the scandal occurring. By not dealing with the scandal the scandal is left to continue and in doing so just increases in size.

Learning from mistakes is good and will more than likely mean a much more effective and efficient organisation which will be better for everyone.