Lib Dems Hope Ed Davey ‘Fun’ Campaign Antics Will Attract Voters To Their Policies

The antics may do, but more than likely just show the Lib Dems to be the shower they are, even though they appear to be the only party to mention social care. However, what they do mention is nowhere near sufficient and they won’t be in power.

Labour and Tories appear to have not heard about social care but have about the NHS, but without fully considering social care the NHS won’t be sorted.

So we have a 4 July General election but no independence for the UK only more of the same or even worse.

What has the UK population done to deserve this, well having no understanding of politics but then neither has any of the political parties.

So the mess will continue.

Keir Starmer offers ‘change’, ‘change’ and even more ‘change’. But that’s not the same as governing

It is not just a change but the degree of change and with Starmer v Sunak the degree is not great. The two people will be different and so will the Parties in name, but the problems will still be the same. Perhaps some in a degree of control of the government, but many not within government control.

Even matters within the UK may in some respects not be within the control of government and those outside of the UK will not be, but all will be relevant to how matters progress.

Starmer and his to be cabinet are in  many respects to be unknown for being in opposition is so different to be at the face of everything.

But Sunak and his cabinet haven’t done us many if any favours. The finance may be better than it was, but it was in a very dire state so any improvement would have been welcome. Then many other problems still have to be sorted, but some could be on the way, but the way is still too long.

Maybe Starmer should be given a chance, but if he doesn’t come good we could have 4/5 years of more problems, assuming he lasts that long.

There are many problems still to solve and no certainty they will be. We will hope that other problems won’t surface because we couldn’t cope with anymore disasters or could we.

Labour takes down general election campaign video after awkward mistake

Let’s be truthful, well it would be a change for any political party, let alone any government, for campaigns and manifestos are just promises and promises are made to be broken in all forms of politics.

No matter which party wins the forthcoming General election it is not going to be easy for anyone, the respective parties and the electorate.

There is so much wrong in the UK, perhaps more since 14 years of Tory rule, but when they took over from Labour in 2010 not much was right then.

Each party in power looks after their own, but recognising who their own is is far from easy to know and understand. The Tories were believed to be for the rich and Labour for the poor, but today there are many believed to be rich but aren’t and some  who you would believe to be poor but also aren’t.

Really a government should be there for everyone and we should all work together for the betterment of everyone in the UK. Some more than others will need help and help is what they should get for to be equal which is what should be striven for some will need more to gain equality.

But most of us, and this is in all parties, we put ourselves first when we should be working together, for we are stronger together.

There is enough finance in the UK but it is not being used where it is most needed. Many of the welfare benefits are insufficient as are many of the salaries so this creates inequalities and it is those who are the most poor who suffer the most.

Taxation is too high and it penalises those on the least incomes more than any others. With salary increases having been restricted for many years and when allowed were well below the cost of living just pushed more into poverty. Then with the tax allowance levels also frozen any salary increases meant many moved into paying tax or higher rates of tax. National Insurance rates have been reduced but the reductions meant more taxable income was created so more were paying higher levels of income tax.

Will Labour promise to realign the levels more than likely not and to ensure local government (LA) services improve then grants to LAs will have to be increased so offsetting austerity measures the Tories brought in from 2010. To pay for this taxation may need to be increased.

Social care has to be a priority and has been for many years under both many Labour and Tory governments, but none have done anything to improve social care. For many in need of care social care doesn’t exist and if it does is so not sufficient and in this problems are created not just in Social Care and those in need of social care but also in the NHS as it increases demand due to declining health inequalities.

Neither the NHS and social care can exist without each other, so both have to be there sufficiently.

We may feel it is not good in the UK, but to get better it will firstly become worse. Here immigration would help as it would increase the available workforce and a workforce willing to do the work. The numbers might not be as great as the government appears to indicate but those not willing to work is small, but the numbers unable to are greater but that is not their fault but the insufficiencies of social care and NHS services.

Immigration will be the quickest way to solve the workforce insufficiencies and then allow those unable to work due to health problems to have time to recover and then be able to work. Penalising then on restricting benefits is counter productive.

It will also increase tax income by more working and in doing so provide more to increase grants to LAs so more essential services are provided.

So stop restrictions to gain more, but not what UK governments do be they Labour or Tory.

Voters not in love with Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour party, warns Lord Kinnock

That is to some extent so true, but in reality voters are not in love with any party.

After 14 years the Tories have done themselves no favours and at times the feelings are that they wish to lose.

First there was David Cameron, followed by Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and now Rishi Suna. Cameron brought in austerity cuts thus cutting finance to local authorities who are responsible for many services that the population need and relies on. 

Cameron decided to have a referendum on leaving the EU which he completely missed read as he believed the result would be to stay in the EU but it wasn’t. The problem then was he resigned and then came Theresa May who also wasn’t for Brexit but was saying she would support leaving.

The EU didn’t play the game and played very difficult to negotiate with. They weren’t wishing to give the UK what it wanted. May gave way to Boris Johnson who was one of the leaders, eventually for Brexit and he said he would deliver. Eventually he did in some respects but not fully. Then came COVID and Boris was successful with the vaccination programme and brought in lockdowns. These were very restrictive and it then transpired that while in lockdown when people were not supposed to meet that  Boris and others in his government were attending parties when parties were not allowed.

So Boris went and then came Liz Truss who was also a disaster and in survival was beaten by a cabbage. She wrecked the UK economy more than any other and was replaced by the saviour and believed to be the safe hands of Rishi Sunak but he was not as safe as believed.

He has managed to undo some of the damage done by Truss but at great cost to the trust in government.

Illegal immigration and the small boats from France was one of his problems and still is. He has brought down inflation from around 11% to now around 3%, but continued to decimate local government services, strikes around with at times virtually all areas of NHS staff on strike at some times. The NHS waiting lists were way too long and still are.

People are not feeling at all good and Labour have around a 20% lead in polls for the next general election and suffered massive defeats in the recent local government elections as well as the Tory majority in Parliament coming down from 80 to less than 40. Many of his MPs caught up in various areas of sleaze and being discarded causing by-elections which the Tories tender to lose.

Some MPs leaving the Tory benches in Parliament to other Parties, a number to Labour. Last being Natalie Elphicke MP and somewhat very right wing MP who was most unlikely to be at home in Labour but appears to be.

But do people believe in Labour or distrust the Tories more. It appears that this is Lord Kinnock’s view from what he says and that could be more correct than not.

There is very little trust in politics and politicians and this could be getting worse for which politicians can be trusted. There must be at least one but the one is not insight and may never be.

The Tories except for a miracle are currently finished but is Labour really a good alternative or are they just slightly less blue, perhaps blue with a tinge of red. Not the Labour of old, but then Labour has been many tinges of red as the Tories have been of blue over the years.

The UK so needs better, but currently we have the shambles there is with no party being there to effectively bring the UK through to ensure the UK population survives.

No matter who wins the next general election whenever it will be later this year, the outlook for the UK is far from good.

A government working for the whole of the UK population is required and not a government for themselves which is what we have had for too many years and more than likely many years to come.

The outlook for the UK and the UK population is far from good, so will we survive perhaps not.

Ex-Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson joins Reform UK after Sadiq Khan slur controversy – Mirror Online

Former Conservative vice chairman Lee Anderson lost the whip after he suggested the London Mayor is controlled by ‘Islamists’ and had ‘given our capital city away to his mates’


What a surprise, not, for it would have been surprising if he hadn’t joined the Reform Party.

It would be better if everyone looked at the parties they are in and then joined the one they are more suitable to. If they were truthful and that is the word for most if not all are never truthful, many would be changing parties are creating more as there isn’t a party currently which they could truthfully join.

Currently most parties have a very long range of what they are suppoed to be for and maybe parties of a much shorter range are the desired parties to have, perhaps then politics could become more truthfull, but I doubt it for then it wouldn’t be politics.

Source: Ex-Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson joins Reform UK after Sadiq Khan slur controversy – Mirror Online

Rishi Sunak pledges to cut taxes by curbing welfare spending

Help for taxpayers in spring to be followed by additional pledges in run-up to election


So the same old message forgets about those really in need to benefit some who are not.

Most of the country wishes for change, but the changes wished for depend on which sections of the UK population are making the wishes.

Also, lessons are never learned. When the Tories came back to power in 2010 the previous Labour government was stated to have spent all the money, but in reality money is always found for government pet projects.

The Tories proceeded to introduce severe austerity measures, cutting back on government and Local Government spending in many areas, so effectively cutting back on welfare, investment, essential and other services, pay freezes and others, much of which has created the state of the UK today. But the Tories still believe some of the same will be OK, while Labour is still of the opinion to Spend, Spend, Spend, so nothing has changed.

Nothing worked before and most likely will not again.

But, when the Tories started their cutting, the selected few, the rich were not affected as much, if at all, when to turn around the UK everyone has to engage. But neither the Tories nor Labour will appear to succeed in achieving that, so the outlook is far from good with whoever wins the General election sometime in 2024.

Source: Rishi Sunak pledges to cut taxes by curbing welfare spending

Our survey. Expectations of a Labour majority strengthen. | Conservative Home

The share of our panel expecting a Labour majority is up to 41 per cent having fallen to 30 per cent last time around.


What a fiasco, it is not as though Labour are doing all they can to win the next election for they aren’t, even though they wish to win, it is more that the Tories are doing more to lose the next election when one would assume they wish to win, but don’t appear to wish so.

So it is really for Labour to, by their actions to lose the election, rather than win by their actions, while the Tories are doing all they can to lose by their actions.


Source: Our survey. Expectations of a Labour majority strengthen. | Conservative Home

Keir Starmer warns UK must seize green jobs or risk repeat of coal mining mistakes – Mirror Online

The Labour leader said future generations ‘will never forgive us’ for failing to modernise as he sought to smooth tensions with the GMB union, which has criticised his plans to block new North Sea oil and gas developments


Yes, to some extent Starmer is correct for we do need to embrace all aspects of green energy and nuclear, but we do need other areas while these come on-line in the full capacity required, now that is the art of Government, which is not easy to encompass and one that is sadly lacking for many years, even before the long years of these stints of Tory government.

Unfortunately, government in the UK is run on Party lines, when it should be run on the best benefit for the UK, so party politics should be abandoned by all Parties, but will it, no for Party politics rule supreme whether it is good or not.

Governments should be for the people by the people and not for members of government themselves.

Source: Keir Starmer warns UK must seize green jobs or risk repeat of coal mining mistakes – Mirror Online

Starmer admits he’s a Tory – SKWAWKBOX

Rare moment of honesty from ‘Labour’ leader in new speech Keir Starmer is expected to confess – or more accurately, boast – that he’s a Tory. Starmer is now telling th…


Well he is a politician so lying comes naturally, as does not answering any questions, as to being a Tory, well it depends on how ‘Blue’ the ‘Red’ is.

So, don’t judge on what colour the Party is, albeit that is somewhat easy to see, but on what they say, well that on many occasions is much more difficult to judge.



Source: Starmer admits he’s a Tory – SKWAWKBOX

ANDREW PIERCE: ‘Cover-up’ row hitting Keir Starmer on home turf | Daily Mail Online

ANDREW PIERCE: This month, two female former staffers called on Labour to end its use of confidentiality agreements to ‘cover up’ sexual harassment allegations. It’s a bad look for Starmer.


Be it Tory or Labour there are some very ‘bad smells’ in politics will or does this extend to other Parties, who knows.

All though Westminster is not the total ‘Gentlemens Club’ and I use that loosely, it still has a far way to go. As  for some male MPs gentlemen is not the correct terminology as for some misogynistic, pervert, slimeball, abuser and others could be more correct.

There may not be many, but the few cast for the many and one is too many and there appears to be many more than one.

For far too long the political, so called, elite have done what they wish, wherever and whenever they wish to. The Houses of Parliament need to correct their order and if they are unable or unwilling then this has to be done by outside forces. However, from events over the years the Met Police too need to correct their order, but somewhere there must be a force or forces which need to be allowed to correct  the behaviours of the few.

Source: ANDREW PIERCE: ‘Cover-up’ row hitting Keir Starmer on home turf | Daily Mail Online