đź”´ Live: Israeli strike in southern Lebanon kills Hezbollah commander

An Israeli strike on the village of Jouya in southern Lebanon late Tuesday killed a senior field commander of Hezbollah and three fighters for the Lebanese armed group, three security sources said. Hezbollah confirmed…


There is no doubt that Netanyahu is having some successes, but mainly in Gaza with the deaths of many Palestinians innocent civilians. However, Netanyahu has stated there will be no peace settlement until Hamas has been defeated.

Unfortunately, Hamas will never be defeated, well the organisation may be, but highly unlikely, and the concept will never be. For while there is a divide between Palestinians and Israelis there will never be real peace and if one organisation goes another will just surface. These disagreements between Jews and Arabs are nothing new for they have been around for thousands of years well before Israel was created. However, the creation of Israel only made these differences more strong.

Why can’t human beings exist peacefully with each other it is not just Jews versus Arabs but there are major disagreements and differences throughout the world.

Lets look at animals when they see each other they see the type of animal before them and not what their views and opinions are for they are mostly unseen for they are within them.

But when human beings meet they don’t see the similarities that they are both human beings, but people look for the visual differences, skin colour, and what is being worn, with some people it could be hair colour or hairstyles. Then when people speak what language they are speaking, even if they are the same languages the apparent differences in the ways the language is spoken.

Surely being a human being should be a very strong connection, but apparently, it is not as the differences are apparently more strongly viewed. Perhaps, this is one of the many flaws in being a human being, as mainly we have no wish to connect peacefully with anyone, as confrontation may be our strongest trait.

There is much occurring within the world mainly due to the actions or non-actions of human beings, but most of us, or our leaders are not taking these onboard when all of them should be, for they are still concentrating on differences and confrontation when they should be concentrating on similarities and peace.

Unfortunately, I can never see the latter occurring, but in some countries, it has to some degree.

Let’s look at the UK, and Ireland for years some of those populations, perhaps a small minority, but a very vocal and extremely active minority and no one believed there would be peace in any way. However, a group of women felt so strongly that peace had to be achieved and eventually some of the political leaders were prepared to listen to them and not only went along with them, so miracles could occur and did occur to some degree. All sides of the confrontation appeared to want to listen and a semblance after many discussions occurred and mainly there is now peace within the UK and Ireland on these long-standing differences, However, an even smaller minority is still not prepared to follow the majority decision and occasionally non-peaceful actions do occur, perhaps with some injuries and even deaths. But, currently, that has not triggered a return to major confrontations, which these minor actions and their conspirators still in these now very minor terrorist organisations wish to recommence and bring back the horrific actions and more of the past.

Will this occur with Netanyahu and Hamas, well currently no, for they are both content with causing injuries and deaths and really want no settlement only the eradication of each other and if achieved could well create another difference to continue these aggressions, for aggression is in their blood and nature.

It is not really the current disagreements but the nature of both Netanyahu and Hamas that is the real problem. Both Hamas and Netanyahu are terrorists.



Source: đź”´ Live: Israeli strike in southern Lebanon kills Hezbollah commander

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