Donald Trump says ‘we are on brink of World War 3’ in angry Iran rant after drone strike – Mirror Online

Trump could well be correct,in saying ‘In a furious tirade on his own TruthSocial website, he claims the attack in Jordan, which the White House is pinning on Iran-backed, radical militants, would never have happened if he were still the President.’, but not for the reasons he implies.

With strong consistent leadership, WW3 could be avoided, But strong leadership would not be there under Trump, for he would bend over backwards to be friendly with all those who could enact WW3, but his friendly is giving in and being their puppet. So they wouldn’t need to attack America as America would already be in their pocket.

Trump doesn’t lead, but follows and he is as dumb as they come for he believes all that the free world enemies say to him.

He only leads his own supporters who are even dumber than Trump, even though that should be hard to believe, but isn’t.

Source: Donald Trump says ‘we are on brink of World War 3’ in angry Iran rant after drone strike – Mirror Online

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