Scots dad feels abandoned by social workers as he cares for his autistic teen son

This is in Scotland but there to social care is also failing as it so does in England and Wales and maybe also Northern Ireland for it is throughout the whole of the UK.

Why!!, because social care is not being funded to any extent that it should be anywhere within the UK for every carer and persons with LD and/or autism is being abandoned in varying degrees for there is insufficient social care around. This is due to lack of staff, not only care staff, but also social workers.

With lack of care workers there are not sufficient care workers around to cover all the care which has been approved and authorised. But also there are insufficient social workers to look at the needs of persons with disabilities and their families and the social workers that are around are so overburdened with massive caseloads that they have insufficient time to do so.

This is down to lack of finance not only to pay care workers the rate of pay they deserve and should be receiving so care workers are not entering the profession. This shortage is to some extent covered by persons coming to do this work from outside the UK but this then increases the numbers of immigrants, even though their work visas are way too short. But even those that come their numbers are insufficient to cover the extensive gap and there is talk to reduce the numbers coming. It is surprising that social care has failed to exist at all even though it doesn’t for large numbers requiring care.

If it wasn’t for family carers, such as Gary McKie then social care wouldn’t exist at all. But caring is very exhausting and very stressful just in caring let alone the increased stress in trying to deal with the Local Authorities (LAs) social services. It’s as though the government wants social care to fail, but if it does then so will the NHS for both are dependent on others.

So government failure to not fund social care anywhere near sufficiently if any funding is forthcoming, means that the government is failing completely persons in need of care and their families, social care and the NHS, which most of us says is so essential and we can’t do without, but in reality we can’t do without both the NHS and social care. If we feel the UK is already broken, it will be so much more very soon without the funding to social care.

But this government is not listening, well it is not listening in all areas, but it so needs to and we all do need a listening government, but will we ever get one, unfortunately, I do doubt so.

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