No Brexit renegotiation without free movement, warns Barnier

Former deal negotiator insists EU would block ‘cherry-picking’ from single markets, amid Labour’s plan to ease trade restrictions


So according to Barnier there is no change to negoiations visa renegoiation since the the last negoiations, while Labour believe they can get a better deal, but the EU are not willing to offer a better deal.

Barnier is only saying accptence of ‘Free Movement’ would be a starting point, buit from then it would be joining the ‘Single Market, accepting the Euro and all other aspects of the EU requirements.

When we were in the EU previously many vetos were obtained by the EU, but on a next occasion there will be no vetos to be obtained as the EU will reuire full EU membership or nothing at all.

Many in the UK now appear to wish to rejoin the EU, but aren’t aware of the full facts to do so. We may have not acquired many advantages of not being in the EU through the Brexit process, but in time they will come for no matter what the leavers said it was never going to be easy, with remainers believing the status Quo would be the way to go, but eventually the status quo would disappear and we would be forced to accept everything the EU wanted us to accept.

Unfortunately no government can be trusted and this is even more so for the EU. We may not like being governed by Westminster, but it will always be better than being governed by Brussels.

The EU would be our main government with Westminister being the second chamber or even less.

Within the EU the UK would have little say in what will occur as we would have to accept the majority views of the countries in the EU and by the UK leaving the EU we are disliked even more so than when we were in the EU.

You can’t believe what any government or political party says for they are only interested in means for their own ends and the population counts for nothing, but they will never say so.

You get what you vote for and that will never be as good as the promises made, for they are just promises to fool people who vote.

When there are elections all parties produce their manifestos, but the manifestos are just a collection of promises which will hardly ever be forthcoming.

Source: No Brexit renegotiation without free movement, warns Barnier

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