Consultant tells court that fear of reprisal from management stopped him reporting Letby to police | The BMJ

A consultant paediatrician has told a court that he discovered the nurse Lucy Letby doing nothing to intervene when a baby was deteriorating but failed to report her to police because he feared retribution from management.Letby, 34, a former neonatal nurse, is on trial for the attempted murder of a premature baby girl, Baby K, hours after her birth in February 2016. The consultant, Ravi Jayaram, told Manchester Crown Court of his “infinite regret” that he did not report Letby to police.She was convicted last year of …


That was and is the fear of NHS senior management and until this fear is curtailed and NHS staff have the confidence to report and will be listened to and no reprisal actions taken against them, then scandals will continue to occur in the NHS. Fear doesn’t create scandals but fear will allow them to occur.

Whistleblowers should be encouraged as reporting problems is a means to enact change for the betterment of everyone, especially the patients, for without patients the NHS wouldn’t be there.

The power of management has been allowed to continue for too long and any means for change to better services and procedures has to be encouraged for it is the only way the NHS will be ever improved.

This is not only relevant to the NHS but to all organisations as the current Post Office/ Fujitsu scandal proves.

More power to whistleblowers and less to senior managers.


Source: Consultant tells court that fear of reprisal from management stopped him reporting Letby to police | The BMJ

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