Israel blamed for Gaza famine that never happened – The Jerusalem Post

Columbia University professors: “We found that the food supply entering Gaza is more than sufficient to feed all 2.2 million Gazans.”


In any situation there is propaganda from all sides, so hardly anything can be believed.

The Columbia University professors are basing their findings on how aid and supplies would be distributed in America, but there is no war in Amerrica, except that institigated by the former President Donald Trump. However, there is a war in America with most of the 2.2 million Gazians displaced throughout Gaza, mainly in the South of Gaza, with some in Central Gaza and a few in North Gaza. They are not only displaced but their existing accommodation as, in the main been destroyed, so most are living in tents and continually move by the Israeli forces into other areas, so they don’t have lands to grow their own produce and if they had they won’t now be anywhere near the lands they had previously cultivated.

Most of the hospitals in Gaza have been virtually destroyed, so gazians requiring medical help and assistance don’t have many facilities for this to be done, if any. They are living, if you call that living from day to day and in some instances second by second, this is not by choice, but by the need to endeavour to live as best they can for they never know when the next bombs will be dropped by Israel or when the Israeli forces will endeavour to kill them.

This is no way to live and not good to obtain required aid and food supplies whenever they are delivered. Then when they are delivered it may not be to where most Gazians are trying to live.

It is not the life they want and they deserve so much better, but between Hamas and Netanyahu it is all they are getting, if even getting.

Hamas is a terrorist organisation, but so is Netanyahu and his IDF.

Peace has to come but neither Hamas nor Netanyahu want peace.

Source: Israel blamed for Gaza famine that never happened – The Jerusalem Post

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