‘Conspiracy of Silence’: Why Brexit has been largely absent from the UK election campaign

True both Labour and the Conservatives are somewhat scared of  mentioning Brexit. Labour due to its real intention of wishing to rejoin the EU, which won’t admit for political reasons for they wish to welcome the Labour Brexiters more or back into Labour, while the Conservatives are not mentioning Brexit so it won’t encourage comments about where are the benefits.

For many immigration was the reason for Brexit, but the UK has always been reliant on immigration and is really a country based on immigration be it over centuries and not just voluntary immigration but immigration by conquest being Vikings, Normans, Romans and many more over centuries.

Without immigration the UK could not exist which is why today the UK growth is not as good as it should be. Immigration or the right immigration should be a bonus to growth not a hindrance.  It brings in many essential workers to cover the UK reducing birth rate and the lack of workers in many UK professions including the NHS, social care, hospitality, agriculture and more.

Like many countries the UK retirement proportion of the population is far greater than the working population and the way the UK retirement benefits are funded more workers are required to fund the retirement benefits. For, to fund today’s retirement benefits it is done by the government income of today and not as many believe their income to the government to fund their own State pensions, but purely pays for credits to their pension years entitlement.

So immigration is good and not bad.

What Brexit should have been about and was for me is governing for I had no wish to be governed by the EU, as being governed by Westminster is bad enough. Being in the EU would see Westminster and other countries governments to eventually become just a second chamber to countersign EU policy, but the EU would make policy.

Before the UK EU referendum in 2016 the UK had many vetoes whcu allowed us to not join or be subjected to some of the EU legislation and conditions. Should we ever rejoin the vetoes would never be there again and the UK would have to join all aspects of the EU, even the Euro should our valued £ would disappear.

After the 2016 EU referendum the UK wished to retain the trade links to the EU as we did under the old EEC, but the EU negotiators would have none of it and it is still similar today no matter what Starmer and the Labour Party say.

Trade links with the rest of the world would be through the EU and not as they can be directly with the UK.

Yes, the EU is a larger bargaining community than the UK but the EU could have differing views than the UK on what we wish for.

The illegal immigration is due to insufficient legal immigration routes, too much Western interference in the Middle East, Far East and African areas so allowing the discontent in those areas to arise thereby creating many differing conflicts and wars.

You don’t always get what you wish for but do get what your actions do create. Think very seriously before taking any actions be you countries or individuals.


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