Labour takes down general election campaign video after awkward mistake

Let’s be truthful, well it would be a change for any political party, let alone any government, for campaigns and manifestos are just promises and promises are made to be broken in all forms of politics.

No matter which party wins the forthcoming General election it is not going to be easy for anyone, the respective parties and the electorate.

There is so much wrong in the UK, perhaps more since 14 years of Tory rule, but when they took over from Labour in 2010 not much was right then.

Each party in power looks after their own, but recognising who their own is is far from easy to know and understand. The Tories were believed to be for the rich and Labour for the poor, but today there are many believed to be rich but aren’t and some  who you would believe to be poor but also aren’t.

Really a government should be there for everyone and we should all work together for the betterment of everyone in the UK. Some more than others will need help and help is what they should get for to be equal which is what should be striven for some will need more to gain equality.

But most of us, and this is in all parties, we put ourselves first when we should be working together, for we are stronger together.

There is enough finance in the UK but it is not being used where it is most needed. Many of the welfare benefits are insufficient as are many of the salaries so this creates inequalities and it is those who are the most poor who suffer the most.

Taxation is too high and it penalises those on the least incomes more than any others. With salary increases having been restricted for many years and when allowed were well below the cost of living just pushed more into poverty. Then with the tax allowance levels also frozen any salary increases meant many moved into paying tax or higher rates of tax. National Insurance rates have been reduced but the reductions meant more taxable income was created so more were paying higher levels of income tax.

Will Labour promise to realign the levels more than likely not and to ensure local government (LA) services improve then grants to LAs will have to be increased so offsetting austerity measures the Tories brought in from 2010. To pay for this taxation may need to be increased.

Social care has to be a priority and has been for many years under both many Labour and Tory governments, but none have done anything to improve social care. For many in need of care social care doesn’t exist and if it does is so not sufficient and in this problems are created not just in Social Care and those in need of social care but also in the NHS as it increases demand due to declining health inequalities.

Neither the NHS and social care can exist without each other, so both have to be there sufficiently.

We may feel it is not good in the UK, but to get better it will firstly become worse. Here immigration would help as it would increase the available workforce and a workforce willing to do the work. The numbers might not be as great as the government appears to indicate but those not willing to work is small, but the numbers unable to are greater but that is not their fault but the insufficiencies of social care and NHS services.

Immigration will be the quickest way to solve the workforce insufficiencies and then allow those unable to work due to health problems to have time to recover and then be able to work. Penalising then on restricting benefits is counter productive.

It will also increase tax income by more working and in doing so provide more to increase grants to LAs so more essential services are provided.

So stop restrictions to gain more, but not what UK governments do be they Labour or Tory.

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