Pupils Mocked And Put In Headlocks By School Staff | Same Difference

A senior staff member at an independent school for children with special educational needs has been recorded by BBC Panorama saying how he wanted to drown a pupil in a bath “like a kitten”. An unde…


None of this should be occurring in any school, let alone a school for special needs children and this is just what has been seen, what about the unseen incidents for if there is one, which is one too many there will be others.

Ofsted is reported to have given a ‘good’ rating on an inspection, and on the face of this report did Ofsted even visit the school and as they would have, why not inspect with eyes and ears open and not closed as the ‘good’ implies. Does any of this give anyone any confidence concerning Ofsted inspections, the answer can only be no. Some will say any inspection is better than none, but is it, as a false impression is a conclusion and leads to false impressions.

Why leave the openness to a TV programme that is so welcomed, but, surely an extensive CCTV facility should be the ‘norm’ for the benefit of all concerned and one which is independently monitored, as internal monitoring may not be trusted.

Degrees of privacy will be a problem, but safeguarding should be the overall concern as well as much better recruitment requirements.

Unfortunately, this all adds to costs and costs are viewed as the priority, when safeguarding should be the prime concern always.

Abuse concerns and finding abusers is the responsibility of everyone and that should never be forgotten as anyone who does not report abuse is as guilty as the abuser or abusers.

No Secrets was introduced in 2000 and it looks as though No Secrets needs to be reintroduced and reintroduced urgently.

All children need to be safeguarded, but especially so children with special education needs. Abuse is wrong full stop.


Source: Pupils Mocked And Put In Headlocks By School Staff | Same Difference

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