Fears for children as special educational needs budgets tighten | BBC News

Why this is being mentioned as a surprise is a complete surprise to me for Local Authority (LA) funding has been in dire straights for many years, mainly from the start of the Tory austerity cuts from 2010, but could well have been short of some funding well before that, but not a dire as they are currently.

While special educational needs budgets are a deep worry, other budgets are also, especially those relating to social care and not just for children, but also the range of adults ages. We hear somewhat regularly of lack of funding for the elderly regarding care homes, but that is just one area, as it is in every area. people in need of care are going without or only receiving a small proportion of the care they need. If it wasn’t for the savings from unpaid family members and others doing the extent of care they do then the problems would be even greater for currently these unpaid carers are saving the UK over £162 billion, which is around d the cost of the NHS, let alone the cost of social care.

These are only the costs relating to education and social care, but LAs have a range of services they are responsible for and every one of these services is much underfunded, so the quality and quantity of these services have been considerably reduced over many years.

The Labour Party, will be more than likely be forming the next government as only a miracle will lead to another Tory government, perhaps not a miracle anyone wants, except the current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak MP and perhaps not even him. neither Labour nor Tory are promising more LA funding, as both are expected to reduce the funding more, so no improvements of any nature upon the horizon, pretty much like The Post Office and Fujitsu.

The 4th of July is American Independence Day, but no likelihood of any independence foe anyone in the UK, just the reverse.

Will we and the UK survive, well more than likely, but at what cost for the majority in the UK, perhaps we have no wish to know, but much worse is yet to come.

Source: Fears for children as special educational needs budgets tighten | BBC News

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