Channel migrant crossings: Who is responsible? –

The UK and France are at loggerheads over an escalating humanitarian crisis, after the deaths of 27 people trying to cross the Channel into England.


Who is to blame, well perhaps the UK and France, the UK for not having enough legal routes and the attitude to France and France with the attitude to the UK.

So, we left the EU, but haven’t left Europe, so the reasons for and not about Brexit should be cast aside and deal with the present and future and not concentrate on the past for all the leaders in the UK and the whole of the EU.

We all must continue to work together no matter how we feel about each other. Yes, while we were in the EU we did have some influence, but in many respects, we were one voice among the many. We can’t even agree within the UK parliament, so we had no chance within the EU and sometimes couldn’t even agree within every UK political party.

In many respects, we are all reacting as individuals when acting together is the best policy.

The UK needs immigration and always will do, so talking about numbers is totally irrelevant, as we should be looking at skill bases.

Encouraging immigrants for the skills we are requiring and not so for the skills we may not need, but these criteria change frequently so should we not build a base of all skills whether required or not.

Not only do we need responsible immigration criteria, but we also need to look at taking refugees, which should be different from immigration, but apparently not. It is illegal immigration that needs to be curbed and many of the illegal immigrants would be eligible to be legal immigrants if the routes were available.

The systems for dealing with both legal and illegal immigration need to be overalled as neither appears to be fit for purpose. Now is this deliberate, accidental, or both and perhaps other variations.

Also to be looked at is paying people the right rates of pay for the jobs undertaken, which in many areas of occupation in the UK are far from right, some get paid too much, but the majority way insufficient. Our taxation systems need to be also overalled so as not to penalise people for working, which the current system appears to do.

Then we have some of the service occupations, some public and others private and some, somewhere in between, irrespective of which sector the means to pay the right rates of pay has to be available. But we continue to penalise those working in some public occupations and also some in private where the funding comes from public authorities. So public authorities also have to be sufficiently funded, which again is not so.

Unfortunately in the UK, the rich appear to get richer, while the poor, disabled and vulnerable get considerably poorer.

The apparent disputes between the UK and France are just means to cover all other aspects not right in the UK.

Governments should govern for all not just a stated few. Human rights matter and should never be ignored.



Source: Channel migrant crossings: Who is responsible? –

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