Autism in children: ‘Many families face council discrimination’ – BBC News

Dozens of English councils discriminate against children with autism, legal experts say.

Source: Autism in children: ‘Many families face council discrimination’ – BBC News

2 thoughts on “Autism in children: ‘Many families face council discrimination’ – BBC News

  1. Parents of children with autism and other disabilities rely on Councils to abide by the Law of the UK, but as we see from this article many are failing on this respect, but is it intentional or not, but whichever it is the Councils should know the law and do what is required.

    However, where they are not, the law does not act accordingly unless it is brought to their attention by families and other supporting organisation bring the Councils to court, either by a Judicial Review or some other such method, this is, if a solicitor can be found to undertake this action, which I have found is not easy at all.

    If the action is successful, then the respective council has, not only to do as the Court states, for the family concerned, but all other such families who meet the same criteria.

    It should, however, be a criminal act and the state should bring the actions, then, may be councils would work to the law and not take short cuts or chances.

    But, unfortunately councils will try to do as little as possible, may be due to lack of funding and other resources.

    This would not be so, if the Government treated Social Care with respect, but this and previous Governments have not thought highly about Social Care, certainly not to the degree of Health care, but even there the Government as short-comings.

    Much is down the funding and through the 10 years of austerity cuts, all councils, some more than others have been left seriously short of funding, it being treated as a ‘political Football’ providing some funding, but nowhere sufficient at times, but as with the austerity cuts seriously deprive Local Authorities of funding.

    Why do they do this, I feel it is because Social Care is not looked at as a vote winner by a fair proportion of the Voting UK Population.In many instances they feel that Social care is a drain on

    resources, unless something serious occurs, but they know that the public does not look at Social Care with the same degree of respect and feeling of need as health care.

    Social Care as been sort of funding for many years, even before the austerity cuts, which over the 1-0 years period made the crisis much worse and then COVID-19 could well be the ‘Death Knell’ of Social Care, which would create an even bigger crisis for health care.

    I felt so strongly about Social Care that I created the petition, Solve the crisis in Social Care,

    More information at

    Social Care really does need YOU, please show your support by signing the petition and then sharing.

    #care #socialcare #crisis


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